
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Successful People Use Cosmic Ordering

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Improving one's lifestyle is a concern that has affected most of us in these recent times. The quest to lead a fulfilling life and enjoying every moment is perhaps what you have always desired to do. There are many available options that promise you a gratifying life, and one popular concept is that of cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering refers to a spiritual process in which the universe will give to you what you ask from it. You ask or order for something and it will be given to you. Although it is a spiritual process you need not be a saint and always do good deeds to get what you ask for. It is a benefit for sure but not a necessity.

Cosmic ordering, very simply is the spiritual manifestation of your dreams and desires. You can ask for anything from the universe. A change in your life or perhaps a change in situation, which will help you to attain your desired objective.

As Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer insist, you must be aware of the field of intent in order to place your command before the universe. This is a field through which energy is transmitted, and is invisible in nature. It is at this level that our spirit connects to the cosmos and fulfillment of the desires occurs.

There is a high probability that cosmic ordering is something you have done without knowing that you are doing it. Think of all the times you have really wanted something and the wish has come true. You probably thought it was a coincidence. But actually it was cosmic ordering at work.

However this method depends on your ability to concentrate and the limits of your intention, within which your desires and belief condense. This leads to envisaging a new situation where you must believe that you deserve what you have been asking for, and keep in mind that you must be sincere in your effort of ordering it.

Saying "I want a new car," or "I want that promotion" and then believing that you shouldn't get those things because you didn't earn them, or you didn't put any effort into getting them will make it so that your order is not fulfilled. If a better life is really what you want, then you have to believe deep down in your soul that you deserve a better life.

Cosmic ordering is really not hard, it is one the easiest processes you can do to change your life. Is there a down side to this? Well, as with anything in life, there are always pluses and minuses to how it is used. Thinking about and believing negative things will also cause those negative things to manifest.

If in your heart of hearts you think that you might get fired soon, then it'll affect your performance and you will get fired! If you consider instead that you deserve a car or a house, and strongly believe in it, you will get a car soon enough.

Most people have had so many years living in unhappy circumstances and seeing themselves as being 'undeserving' that it is impossible for them to manifest what they want.

Your subconscious ming might try to deny the effects of positive thinking, but the message of positive thoughts must be sent across to it.

For real success at cosmic ordering your subconscious mind needs to be prepared beforehand to accept that it is okay for you to change your life and receive everything you want.

To do this, try a bit of meditation or self hypnosis. And believe in yourself!

Countless amounts of people around the world have completely changed their lives using cosmic ordering. Now it is time for you to start to live the life that you really want. Why not give cosmic ordering a chance and have the kind of life you truly deserve.

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